Mother’s Day

Mike and I married 36 years ago.  A couple years into our marriage we decided that we wanted to start a family, but it wasn’t to be.  We spent the next two years going through all kind of testing and medicines and a miscarriage and lots of tears.  Then finally we were blessed with our Katie. Four and half years and three miscarriages later we had Will.  I didn’t know how overwhelmingly in love I would be with babies, but it is true that your heart is so full of love that it will burst.  So I’ve been a mother for 31 years and they have been hard, funny, sad, frustrating, exciting, joyful, terrifying and the most wonderful years of my life.  It has been so wonderful watching my children grow and fulfill their own dreams.

Now I am looking at motherhood through a different set of eyes…that of my daughter and my daughter-in-law.  Jessica and our son Will became parents last August and our untitled.png7daughter Katie and her husband Vic became parents in January.  They both had little girls.  They’ve all experienced the sleepless nights, the baby allergies, endless hours of nursing, the crying, the smiles, but most of all they’ve experienced the overwhelming love that I’ve waited for years to see in their eyes.untitled1

I see the love as they experience laughter, beauty and silliness. Katie and Jessica are both wonderful moms.  They handle their households like pros and they have husbands that are supportive auntitled4nd helpful through it all. They both are loving motherhood!untitled2


There is another group of women that I love. You’ve heard me talk about the Cradle Ministry at our church.  There are sixty women that have had babies over the last few years.  I’ve had the opportunity and privilege to support and pray for and with these women and their babies.  untitled6

So on this day of celebrating Mother’s, I celebrate all these women in my life who are women of faith, loving wives and super Moms!





1 Comment

  1. Love your blog! Grandchildren are such a blessing. I now have nine grandchildren with another on the way. God is amazing and I love watching my kids parenting! Despite the valleys in my life, God has been with me all the way – on the mountaintops and in the valleys! Thanks for sharing.


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