Sanity and Home Renovations


I’ve always been told that renovating a home is detrimental to your health, your marriage, your sanity and general well being. So when we started kitchen renovations about a month ago I was psyched up for whatever was to come.  I had told myself that I was going to be flexible and I was going to take lots of deep breaths so that nothing would “get my goat.” (sidebar:  that phrase should always be on those FB southern phrase tests).

untitledreno5We started renovations the last week of May.  We moved a fridge from one side of the room to another, tore out a peninsula/bar, put in an island, painted all of the cabinets and put in some extra cabinets.  Now I have some extra cabinets being built as a built-in hutch in my dinette, but all the other things were done in three weeks flat.  Everyone that came through was precise, on time, cleaned up after themselves, were polite and generally very fun to be around.  It was smooth as silk.  I was shocked, no drama, no mistakes, just total satisfaction.  I LOVE IT!reno8

So thank you to the builder who does perfect cabinet work, among, wiring, plumbing, patching, sanding and oh, let’s not forget dog catching (my dog got out one day and he chased him and carried him home).  Thank you to the best painters.  You guys were truly funny, polite and the totally best painters!  By the way if you read this you have all already been recommended several times.  Renovation complete and satisfaction achieved.


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