When God ask Samuel to go the House of Jesse and anoint the future King, Samuel wasn’t prepared for what God was going to do. Each son passed before Samuel and God consistently told him no, go to the next one; nope go to the next one. Anyway, we know how the story ended. God chose David. God’s point to Samuel, when he couldn’t understand why God didn’t find any of the other brothers worthy, is found in I Samuel 16:7 “…for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” THANK GOODNESS!
Can you image what it would be like if God saw us as others sometime see us? He would be judging us, ridiculing us, criticizing what we wore, how much weight we’d gained…I mean the list could go on and on. But the Lord sees us with grace! He knows our inner being, our heart. Even when we make little mistakes or when we make gargantuan mistakes, He loves us. This is the whole beautiful idea of forgiveness, love and grace!
Do you have people in your life that are making bad choices leading to bad consequences? Don’t judge or criticize. Love them. Come along beside them and walk with them, pray for them and with them because that’s what our Lord would do.
As God sees our heart, see the heart of others!