This weekend was Labor Day…duh! But Mike and I didn’t labor with work, for the first time in a long time, we labored in love. We visited just about every immediate family member in some form or fashion. For instance…
Phase I: Saturday my parents called and said they were coming to town to look at campers, did I want to go. Well yes! So I spent three hours sitting and riding in a motor home of my Mom’s choice and my Dad’s wallet. We opened drawers, got in the shower, looked under the bed, opened closets, ovens, fridge. We checked for sitting areas of comfort for watching TV…wow I was worn out. Mom was happy, Dad was skeptical, but then he got the price down and a new TV thrown in with a camping membership and he was a happy guy. They’ve decided that they probably have another five years of camping in them, but the good thing is that my sister and I will be allowed to borrow this one and camp with our families. WhooHoo!
Phase II: Sunday was our annual Tailgate Sunday at church. We had one service and then a big barbecue after. It was our spiritual family with great worship, food, fellowship and fun.
Phase III: We left after lunch on Sunday and drove to Atlanta to see Mike’s Dad and stepmother, his brother, wife and two nieces. We laughed, helped Jan plan a renovation, ate at the Varsity (had some dynamite photo bombs with my nieces), visited an uncle in a Nursing Home, ate some more and came home.
Phase IV: Then Tuesday morning we got up at the crack of dawn (Note: I’m not a morning person) and drove to visit our son, his wife and wait for it…the new Granddaughter. Yep I got some good nuzzle time with the baby. Jess had a doctors appointment so Pops and Nona got to keep the baby. Frankly it was a fabulous time until she decided she was unhappy with the feeding situation, no Momma, just a bottle. But we worked it out. She happily slept on one or the other for the next 8 hours, gave us periodic smiles, tears and lots of poopy diapers. LOVED IT! We got home in time to crawl in the bed before we turned into pumpkins.
One more…Phase V: Today I’m meeting my sister, who lives 32 miles from me, for lunch. We haven’t seen each other for more than 6 weeks. We’re going to have lunch together. We’ll laugh, cut up and probably make the restaurant owners want to push us out the door. Yea we can get pretty rowdy. But there is nothing better than getting with your best friend and talking until you’re hoarse about our relationship with the Lord, our prayer life, our kids, vacations and anything else we can think of.